
Graphic designer for anti state violence project wanted!

Resistance Lab are hiring

Resistance Lab is a network of activists, grassroots community groups and university staff and students who work to confront state violence, with a focus on racism. We were initially formed by members of anti-racist groups and activists coming together to ask if it was possible to use technology to fight state oppression.

Through several workshops and meetings, we have been working together to analyse and understand stop and search data in our local communities, work with local archives to uncover alternative narratives of people who have died following police contact, and help families affected with the emotional and legal support necessary to investigate and challenge decisions.

Following a successful grant application to Nesta Democracy Pioneers program, we are delighted to be able to recruit a graphic designer on a freelance basis to create:

  • A logo and branding guidelines
  • Social media assets
  • A simple website layout (max 5 different page layouts)
  • A simple flyer layout
  • A cover jacket for a forthcoming zine (front and back pages and inner cover)

For this work the total budget is £1,250 (calculated as 5 days at £250). You will be managed by Kim Foale (Geeks for Social Change) for this work, who will be creating the website itself.

To apply, please email a portfolio link with examples of your work in these areas (instagram account, website URL, PDF, etc), and a few sentences on why you’d be interested in the work to before 10am on Mon 4th May 2020.

If there are multiple suitable applicants, we will conduct interviews by video call the following week. We would like all work to be completed within four weeks. Given the racially disproportionate nature of state violence, we would especially welcome applications from members of the BAME community.

Please note you must be able to invoice for this work as a freelancer, we cannot pay you through PAYE.

Edited 17th April 2020: the closing date for applications is Monday 4th May not June, apologies for our mix-up!

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