Our Work

Action Together CRM Consultation

How we worked with a request from Action Together for a new CRM to help them develop a broader strategy and structure to best run the digital facets of their organisation.

Client: Action Together

Date: Winter 2019

Team: Kim

Action Together support community groups in Oldham, Rochdale and Tameside, helping them grow, develop and become self-sustaining.

They approached us with a request for a new CRM, however after an initial meeting to discuss their requirements, we realised that they were facing more complex issues than simply an outdated and non-user-friendly CRM.

We worked with them to develop and facilitate focus groups with people from across their organisation, and conducted in-depth research into how they currently run. We used the outcomes of these exercises to produce a detailed report on their structures and operations, along with advice about the best ways forward from both tech and non-tech perspectives, to help their organisation run more smoothly, and enable them to offer better support to the communities they work with. This report offered ways we could continue to develop this work with them, and ways in which they could develop themselves, or take their report to another agency if they wanted to work with someone else.

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