Our Work


How we developed a tool to help event organisers break free of the siloed Facebook ecosystem, and share their events in more accessible and user-friendly calendar formats

Client: GFSC Collective

Date: Summer 2021

Team: Kim

Through our work with Placecal and other community organisations, we established that a lot of organisations use Facebook to promote and share details about their events. They are forced to do this because Facebook is the dominant events platform, however there are still many people who do not use it, and because Facebook does not enable users to easily export or share event details anywhere other than within its own sites, events organisers either have to enter event details multiple times on multiple different sites, or only share on Facebook, thus cutting out a chunk of their potential audience.

GFSc Collective member Alice took on the task of building an automated system to easily pull event details from Facebook pages that feature multiple events, and use them to create an iCal file, which is a much more versatile means of sharing event data.

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