Our Work

Website development research package

How we researched Hulme Community Garden Centre’s tech needs, and provided them with a package of information and user-stories which set them up to develop their perfect website.

Client: Hulme Community Garden Centre

Date: Autumn 2017

Team: Kim

Hulme Community Garden Centre approached us looking for a website, but they didn’t have sufficient budget to develop one which met all their needs. Based on their much lower budget, we worked with them to write up a detailed brief and specification of their requirements, including a study of potential ‘user stories’ — who will be coming to the website, what will they want to accomplish there, and how does this guide the ways any potential site should be designed and built? Through undertaking this detailed research and advisory process, and providing them with a clearly written report/brief at the end, a staff member was able to take over in the development of the website, to ultimately get them where they needed to be using internal resource.

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