Our Work

Hulme History

How we collaborated with Urbed to create ‘Hulme History’, an interface for the storage and viewing of historic archival materials, which has since been offered to several other organisations seeking similar solutions.

Client: URBED

Date: Summer 2015

Team: Kim

Both GFSC and Urbed are based in or near Hulme, Manchester, and we became aware of several rich sources of local historic archival material which were not accessible to the community whose stories they told, and were in danger of being lost for good. We worked with these individuals and organisations to digitise and rationally organise all these materials — photos, documents, maps and more.

We then built a web interface which enabled the easy upload and sharing of these materials, based on core map and timeline elements. Crucially, this interface was simple and intuitive to use, both for the people uploading and sharing materials, and for those exploring the materials on the website itself.

Our solution was sufficiently successful that it has since been offered to, take taken up by, several other organisations who were seeking similar outcomes.

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