Our Work

Archival Website

How we enabled Oldham History to easily update their website, with a static site build that enables any computer user in their organisation to make changes in an intuitive and user-friendly way.

Client: Oldham History

Date: 2021-23

Team: Kim Emma

Oldham History is a project aiming to document and share extensive archival materials and stories from Oldham and the surrounding areas, so that members of the community can see, share, and update them long into the future. They needed a site which would be easy for anyone to update without any coding skills or experience of CMS use. We worked with them to develop a static site which is based on file structures living on their computer system — functionality which any computer user at their organisation would be familiar with. As well as building the site, we provided them with training materials, so that the simple process for updating the site can easily be learned by anyone new who joins them.

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