Our Work

Strength Of Our Mothers

How we developed branding and a website for the Strength of Our Mothers project, which tells the story of white women in interracial relationships from the 1940s and onwards.

Client: National Black Arts Alliance

Date: 2018

Team: Kim

Strength of our mothers was a partnership project led by the National Black Arts Alliance, supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund. It consisted of a book, a series of live performances, and a website.

The project documents the lives of 23 white women in interracial relationships with African and Afro-Caribbean men from the 1940s to 2000. Each woman’s story is told in her own voice, or by her children.

We developed a visual style for the website, and then built it accordingly, in a way which forefronts the stories of the women, but also offers space for promotion (and later documentation) of the live events and the book.

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