The Studio

“Technology involves organisation, procedure, symbols, new words, equations, and most of all, it involves a mind set.”

Ursula Franklin

GFSC work with community groups, researchers and academics, charities, digital agencies and other organisations to deliver tools, training, support and technical solutions for lasting and holistic change.

We work collaboratively with our clients to develop websites and apps, create training and support programs, conduct social science research, create partnerships, and strengthen communities. Our approach prioritises digital inclusion with the aim of improving lives and transforming communities. We love to connect people and causes together where we can see mutual win-wins.

Our speciality is helping to address really difficult and gnarly social problems: where other attempts at introducing digital elements have failed or are not working, where the people involved feel digitally excluded, or where there’s a general sense of not knowing what to do. We can help!

Our approach consists of three core elements:

1. Consultancy and research

Like technology, research can seem a scary, daunting and expensive prospect.

It doesn’t have to be. A good research base is the stable foundation on which you can make informed and careful choices. This both gives the confidence that you’re doing the right thing, and saves tons of time and money by helping you avoid making expensive mistakes.

We like to start any new project with a research phase that consolidates what you’ve already done, and interviews staff, stakeholders and volunteers at a range of levels to come to a shared understanding of problems.

Our collective draws on a wide range of expertise in multiple subject areas, such as technology, sociology, architecture, history, state violence, trans liberation, critical race theory, etc.

We can conduct fieldwork, carry out interviews, analyse data, and suggest the best solutions for your organisation. Our goal is to provide you with the toolkit you need to make informed decisions about the best way forwards — whether that’s with us or with another organisation more suited to your needs.

2. Software development

After the consultation and research process, we collaboratively establish what tech solutions you might need to best achieve your aims.

We can make websites, apps and tools to revolutionise the working of an organisation, and static brochure sites that directly reflect the work they do.

Because of our in-depth consultation process, clients can be assured that we do not begin this process until we have a clear understanding of what’s needed, and can deliver the best possible solutions based on their own unique circumstances and needs.

3. Design and branding

This is the first paragraph about design and branding its a bit bolder than the rest.

Here’s some more info about how we do design and branching, maybe check out some of our previous work

4. Education and training

Recent years have seen technology made harder and harder to understand, by deliberate design of people who want to make money from your lack of understanding. Technology can simultaneously seem like a “magic wand” to fix all your problems, but also an insurmountable and impossible to understand mess.

It’s therefore really common that you have a really good understanding of what your current situation is, an idea that what you want to accomplish, and a rough idea how to do it, but then have no idea where to go from there. This is where we come in!

We can consult on your projects to help demystify and untangle technology you’re currently using, figure out how you can use it better, and perhaps commission something new (in other words: reduce, reuse, recycle first).

We can coach you to solve your problems yourself by teaching you enough to get going and understand what’s really going on.

We can also work to support you in writing funding applications for collaborative work.

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