Our Team

“The dream of a peaceful society to me is still the dream of a potluck supper. The society in which all can contribute and all can find friendship.”

Ursula Franklin

Studio lead

Dr. Kim Foale

Founder & Studio Lead

Kim is a community activist with over 15 years’ experience working with a wide range of campaign groups in Leeds, Manchester and Nottingham. They are an experienced web developer who has built dozens of websites and apps for a large range of community organisations over the last 20 years. They have a PhD in sociology, specialising in grounded theory qualitative research.

This extensive skillset and experience is what has enabled them to develop a multi-methods approach to software development, community activism, and engaged research. This led them to found their studio Geeks for Social Change in 2016, for whom PlaceCal is their flagship project.

A photo of Dr. Kim Foale




Alfie believes that problems are best solved by giving those affected the tools and resources to do so for themselves. He has worked on building infrastructure that promotes community autonomy and resilience for many years. Previously physically and materially, currently digitally.

A photo of Alfie

Emma Charleston

Graphic Designer and Content Strategist

Emma is a graphic designer and illustrator with over a decade of experience working freelance and in-house across a wide variety of sectors, including education, charity/non-profit, and the arts. She is interested in collaborative and community-led design practice that is situated and informed by local circumstances and experiences. Her design MA focussed on the impact of public transit on the communities who live near and rely on it, and the past, present and future of public services and public spaces. At GFSC, Emma works on design, research, social media, project facilitation, copy writing and client support.

A photo of Emma Charleston


Technology Strategy Consultant

F is an anarchist, agender, trans, queer, ace, autistic, mentally ill, disabled, vegan, tattooed, magnetic technologist (and… breathe) with buckets of experience working on all kinds of things from video games you’ve never heard of to government websites you wish you didn’t use every week.

F is a big advocate for building the smallest possible thing now (not next week), releasing it to the world, and then making it better (if necessary). Ey’s less interested in the technology than what you’re trying to do with it and has a wide range of experience under eir belt and will gladly learn new things (and attempt to unlearn old things to moderate success). Find em on the wider internet as @erbridge.

A photo of F
ey/em or they/them

Ivan Kocienski


Ivan rather enjoys writing code. Currently he uses Ruby on Rails for his day-job but has had a bash at a fair number of other oddities including perl, labview, common lisp and unity. He’s also had stabs at javascript and python.

He rather enjoys working on socially minded projects like the ones at GFSC as he believes that there is scope to come up with technological solutions to societal problems.

Outside of programming he rather likes taking walks in his local park (and petting all the dogs), doing “art”, listening to music and learning about things on the internet.

A photo of Ivan Kocienski

Katja Mordaunt

Developer and Project Coordinator

Katja is a developer specialising in the design and implementation of digital services that aim to improve the reach of small charities and community organisations. She works iteratively with clients and users to get as close as possible to what people need. She is an advocate of Elm because it empowers her mission to make code reading accessible & code writing empathetic. She values a culture of collaboration, community, open source, transparency, integrity, generally sharing stuff and giving everyone a voice and a chance of meaningful participation. In her spare time, she runs Code Reading Club & makes hit and miss fermented veg. In a past life she produced independent films and is a believer that sharing stories makes the world a better place.

A photo of Katja Mordaunt

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